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Emma Anderson

Pearlies – Sonic Cathedral

Emma Anderson, the co-founder of Lush and, later, Sing-Sing shares this stunning debut solo album, Pearlies, via Sonic Cathedral. While some songs on the album sound like a continuation of the classic Lush tones, Anderson bends her stylings a touch while bringing in Richard Oakes of Suede to provide the guitar virtuosity. Producer James Chapman added the ethereal electronica and dreamy textures to the mix.

Some backstory on how Emma Anderson got here: Lush had disbanded in 1996 after the release of their Lovelife LP after original drummer Chris Acland’s suicide. She went on to front Sing Sing until 2007, releasing a couple of wonderful albums including their last, The Joy of Sing-Sing in 2007. A reunion for Lush took hold in 2016 as other shoegaze heroes, Slowdive and Ride, were reuniting. Lush released a 4-track Ep called Blind Spot that year and even toured the US and UK. However, original bassist, Phil King ,“departed,” leaving the Lush reunion halted. At the time, Emma was writing songs for Lush 2.0, with some of the elements showing up here on Pearlies.

Track 1, “I Was Miles Away,” gets its DNA from the Lush album, Spilt (see “Desire Lines”) – the dreampop is elegant and hazy, while showing off a 60s sensibility through the use of organ and synths. “Willow and Mallow,” track 7, is an acoustic guitar number – indie-folk with layered orchestral synths. “Clusters,” track 10, must have been one of those penned for the Lush reunion – it starts slow then heads into a Lovelife-type of vibe. Track 5, “Xanthe,” creates a cinematic soundscape, harkening back to Robin Guthrie and Cocteau Twins. The airiness of the sounds are warm and glittery. “Tonight is Mine,” has a cheery electronic sheen, with guitars whipping and circling about. Track 2, “Bend the Round,” is a slowed down Brit-pop gem that could have surfaced in the mid to late 90s. Track 3, “Inter Light,” seems to be in the mold of a Broadcast tune – pastoral psych-folk set in a late 60s club.

Emma Anderson continues to shine with an effervescent beauty of soundscapes signaling back to the early shoegaze and dreampop ethos. Just pure delight in listening to this one.

Track listing –
1: I Was Miles Away
2: Bend The Round
3: Inter Light
4: Taste The Air
5: Xanthe
6: The Presence
7: Willow And Mallow
8: Tonight Is Mine
9: For A Moment
10: Clusters

Pearlies album art

My favorites: 1**, 7**, 10**, 5**, 8**, 2**, and 3*.

– (h)earwitness