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Frog in Boiling Water – Fantasy/Concord

DIIV have been part of the huge shoegaze revival since 2011. They have a unique style and sound which differentiate them from other contemporary peers. While taking from the greats/legends like Catherine Wheel, Ride, Slowdive, and My Bloody Valentine, they craft orchestral soundscapes that feel fresh and new. DIIV’s latest offering, Frog in Boiling Water, marks a new chapter for the Brooklyn shoegaze outfit. While some might expect a continuation of the heavier direction of their previous album, Deceiver, this record simmers with a different kind of intensity – and perhaps a calm.

This is a more patient and atmospheric approach. “Brown Paper Bag,” track 2, is a monolithic wall of layered guitars with melancholic vocals haunting the beat. Track 1, “In Amber,” crashes forth with fury, but shifts into a hazy dreampop version of itself. Track 9, “Soul-net,” brings an almost dancey drum beat, but quiet and restrained. “Little Birds,” track 8 is gloomy with synths clouding the fuzzed guitars. The atmosphere and introspection here reveal a band that’s matured and honed its craft. It’s a record rich in texture and emotion while still maintaining the shoegaze.

Track listing –
1: In Amber
2: Brown Paper Bag
3: Raining On Your Pillow
4: Frog In Boiling Water
5: Everyone Out
6: Reflected
7: Somber The Drums
8: Little Birds
9: Soul-net
10: Fender On The Freeway

Frog in Boiling Water album art

My favorites: 1**, 2**, 9**, 8**, and 3**. It’s a great album – any track on here is worth your listen!

– (h)earwitness